Finally got into my classroom. Between vacation, someone else using my room for summer school and cleaning/construction it has been hard to find time to get in there. Here are a few of the before pictures...
There was a preschool summer school class in there so all the toys and things needed to be moved out.
Got a pretty good start on the class library. Books in white baskets are sorted by level, books in red baskets are series (judy b jones, little bear etc) books on tall shelf are sorted by theme. and behind the red curtain are all the books that have multiple copies that I will use for guided reading and I don't want lost in children's book boxes.
My desk area, clearly still under construction, but I like where I have it placed. That door behind it leads into another classroom. Hopefully having my desk here will act as a barrier for sound and students going between rooms.
View from the door my room is a large upside down L. From the door my desk and the library are on the leg of the L and the kids desks and carpet for whole group and morning meeting are on the stick part of the L .
Floor Plan (Check out my giant storage closet!! I do have to share it with the classroom next door but 1/2 of it is mine to hide all the classroom clutter and things we aren't using!)
Clearly there is still a ton to get done! Every time I cross something off my list i seem to add 5 more things. One of which is to remember to take photos of the process! Stay posted!