Sunday, December 2, 2012

Making Numbers

Math expressions Unit 4 is about making numbers, place value, 10 and extra ones. One of the activities I did for Unit 4.1 and 4.2 was having my students use all the manipulatives in our room to make a number they drew out of a hat. They had to make the number with 10 sticks and ones as well as with actual numbers. They made the numbers and then took a picture of them using the i-Pads. This was a good intro for my kiddos to really get used to all the different manipulatives they could use: 100 chart, number cards, magnetic numbers, white boards, unifix cubes, cuisenaire rods, colored counting chips, calculators, money. 

Maps and Globes Unit

Me on a Map- I live in City, State, Country, World

Paper Plate Globes and Writing

Cardinal Directions NSEW Compasses

3D Cardboard Map of a City
Just completed our maps and globes unit. I took two weeks to teach about cardinal directions, the difference between a map and a globe and how and why we might use a map. If we had the time my class would have loved to just lay on the rug and play with maps and globes all day. They were incredibly interested in where things were and how long it might to take to get there.
Activity List:
Paper plate globes (photo)
3D cardboard city map (photo)
Me On A Map
There's A Map In My Lap
Treasure hunt
Daddy Are We There Yet? (Math connection- use Cuisenaire rods for subtracting 10)
Compass roses (Math connection- symmetry) (photo)
Scout Letters- I received 2 scouts (similar to Flat Stanley)from a 3rd grade class in MPLS. My class was curious about how they got to us, how far they had to travel etc. Each child wrote a letter back to the third graders about our town and community and drew a map showing how the scout got to us.

TPT resource
I originally got this for free but now it is listed for a dollar...